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I have a Facebook account, is that enough for Live Chats?

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No, before you integrate Facebook with Live Chats, make sure you meet these prerequisites:

  • Have a Facebook Business Page - You can create a Facebook Business Page to build your brand and bring your business online. Using the page, you can build your profile, create ads and campaigns, and sell your products and services directly to prospects.

To learn more about creating a Facebook Business Page, click here.

  • Install Facebook in Vtiger CRM - If you are a Vtiger CRM user, you can install and integrate your Facebook business account with your CRM. This can help you:
  • Capture lead data effortlessly
  • Promote your business
  • Respond to customer queries quickly

To learn more about installing Facebook in Vtiger CRM, click here.

  • Install Live Chats in Vtiger CRM - Live Chats in Vtiger CRM help your clients have real-time conversations with your customer-facing teams. In the background, you can also track your team’s performance, calculate the chat response time, and obtain other useful metrics. 
To learn more about installing Live Chats in Vtiger CRM, click here.

To learn about Facebook Integration with Live Chats, click here.
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