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User Guide - Email Configuration

This guide takes you through all the email configurations available in Vtiger CRM.
Abdul Sameer
13 Mar, 2024 - Updated 4 months ago
Table of Contents

Email Configuration Guide

This guide takes you through all the email configurations available in Vtiger CRM, such as:

  • Email automation configurations
  • Email authentication configurations
  • Email sync configurations
  • Other general configurations

Who should read this guide?

  • IT Security teams
  • Sales reps and Sales managers
  • Support reps and Support managers

Email Automation Configurations

Following are the email configurations in Vtiger CRM to automate your email process:

  • Set up Mailroom - Mailroom automates actions on your incoming emails. Whether you want to create a Case or Lead or a Deal from an email, or simply attach the email to a Contact record, the Mailroom does it all. Just set up the Mailroom, forward your emails, and take action from the Mailroom.
  • Auto forward your emails to Vtiger - Forward your emails from multiple email services to Vtiger CRM. Avoid logging in to multiple email clients and eliminate the need to switch between multiple email IDs to keep track of emails. 
  • Automate outgoing emails - Vtiger allows emails to be sent from user-defined addresses via its server. Admins can switch to their email server for outgoing emails. Outgoing Server settings manage this, including authentication options.
  • Set up a workflow action to send mails - Workflows allow you to automate the email-sending process. The Send Mail action lets you specify the sender and receiver and write the email body. The CRM emails the recipient every time the workflow is triggered.
  • Create email sequences - Email Sequences automate outbound sales campaigns by sending predefined email sequences to prospects. Follow-up emails are automatically triggered based on previous interactions, allowing for easy contact nurturing.
  • Set email autoresponder to webform submission - Autorespond with a thank you note to Leads that are generated through Webform (websites).

Email Authentication Configurations

Following are the email configurations in Vtiger CRM to authenticate emails::

  • Authenticate emails with SPF, DKIM, and SenderID - SPF authorizes email servers to send emails on behalf of a domain. DKIM ensures email integrity during transit. Sender ID, developed by Microsoft, verifies sender domains to prevent spoofing and phishing by validating sender IP addresses.
  • Improve email deliverability - Here are a few valuable guidelines to help your content reach the recipients’ inboxes and avoid it from landing in their spam folders. 
  • Create app-specific password for Gmail outgoing server - When configuring Gmail as the email outgoing server for Vtiger CRM, you may encounter an SMTP connection failure error in the CRM’s Email Settings page. To avoid this error, you need to create an app-specific password for your Gmail account.
  • Email guidelines - To protect user inboxes, both Gmail and Yahoo have introduced a new set of guidelines. Email senders must meet these guidelines by February 2024 for mail to be delivered (as expected) to their subscribers. 

Email Sync Configurations

Following are the email configurations in Vtiger CRM to sync emails:

  • Set up Vtiger Inbox - The Inbox allows you to manage all your emails from the CRM. You can easily establish a two-way sync with multiple email accounts and receive emails (from them) in the Inbox. You can also create individual or group inboxes. 
  • Configure 2-way sync between Vtiger and IMAP providers - Sync emails between Vtiger and IMAP providers. You can exchange emails with your customers using Vtiger or other email clients without losing continuity.
  • Configure 2-way Sync with Yahoo - Vtiger CRM’s 2-way sync functionality allows you to have all your emails in Vtiger, so you don’t have to switch tabs to check emails and use the CRM. 
  • Microsoft Outlook Add-on - Vtiger Outlook add-on offers you easy access to CRM data within your Outlook inbox. Through this add-on, you can get a 360-degree view of your contacts right in the Outlook inbox.

Other General Configurations

Whitelist Vtiger in Email Service Providers

Whitelisting in Vtiger CRM adds specific email addresses or domains to approved senders. Whitelisting ensures that essential emails from clients, customers, partners, or other trusted sources are not mistakenly flagged as spam or blocked by email filters. This is especially crucial for maintaining effective communication and preventing missing important messages.

Following are the email configurations in Vtiger CRM to whitelist email service providers:

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