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How do I track the Live Chats?

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To track Live Chats, you will need to configure the Websense tracker on the CRM Settings page. Trackers in Vtiger are system-generated codes that enable you to install the Live Chat widget on your website. 
Follow these steps to configure the Websense tracker and track Live Chats:
  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the User Menu.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Look for Websense.
  5. Click Trackers.
  6. Click Activate Trackers. You will see a success message on the top of the screen.
  7. Hover over the tracker and click Copy this.
  8. Paste the copied code to your website or web application. You can now start tracking your Live Chats.
To know more about configuring a tracker, click here.

Note: Only one tracker is available under the Websense tracker by default. If you need more than one tracker, you will need to install Booster packs for Websense Tracker from the Vtiger Extension Store.
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