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July 2022

Lavanya R
24 Aug, 2022 - Updated 2 years ago
Table of Contents

Release 1 (



The following improvements have been made to the In-App Help:

  • The top section of the Help window displays a greeting, the CRM user’s name, and the Search option.
  • Shows the user the video of that particular module.
  • Clicking on the video link will play the video in a pop-up window.
  • Clicking on the Setup Vtiger link will display details.
  • Clicking on the FAQ will show FAQs related to that module.


  • Contact Management video is now available in the help popup.
  • The video is also available in the Contacts module when the user visits for the first time.

Project Management

  • Project Management modules are now available in the One Professional edition.


  • The Task and Event numbers are now available for reference in the Events List View.


  • A Celebrate Success extension is added to make a Confetti shower for your accomplishments.
    • You can configure the accomplishments for which you want to have the Confetti shower.


  • You now have the option to filter data in reports based on the Assigned to equals current user/ My Reportees.   


  • A new expression - Uppercase field is now added in workflows, approvals, and the Process Designer. This function will work only for text field and text area field. Uppercase has 1 parameter called - uppercase(field). Field is the fieldname from which the string has to be converted to uppercase.

Release 2 (


  • Zoho sync enables a two-way sync between Vtiger and Zoho. Syncing is now enabled for Contacts, Accounts, and Leads modules.



  • The tasks created via the Process designer or manually will now be displayed on the Actions Page with the related Contact or Lead or Organization. They will provide a direct link to the related record.


  • When a customer makes an appointment,
    • an event is created from the appointment link, and 
    • the customer’s name is added to the guest section of the Google calendar synced from the CRM user.


  • A new font by the name Indivisa Text Serif Regular has now been added to the CRM.

Customer Portal

  • You can now search a record in the Customer Portal using the Date field.


  • The hand symbol is now replaced by a mouse pointer in the Sales funnel and Leads funnel when a clickthrough is not available.


  • You can now see top five frequently used modules in the Main menu(below the Favourites section).
Note:  The frequently used modules will not show up for settings configuration. 


  • You can now add  Products and Services directly to Deals. This will help members associated with a deal to easily follow up with the customer about a product or a service they are interested in.  

Lead Conversion

  • When you convert a lead, you now have the option to transfer all related child records to a deal. Earlier when a lead was converted, you were able to transfer related data to only Contacts and Organizations.

Partner Portal

  • Dependent fields have been added and made mandatory to understand the reason behind a sale being won or lost.
    • For Sales Won - the following fields have been made mandatory
      • Primary Win Reason
      • Secondary Win Reason
      • Beginning Standard User Count
      • Single App Users
    • Sales Lost - the following fields have been made mandatory
      • Lost Reason
      • Lost Reason Details
      • Competitor

Print Templates

  • You will now be able to write the total amount in words. 
  • You will be able to choose the following options to add currency in different formats using a picklist under the Print template section > Under Currency Preference
    • lowercase
    • Title Case

Smart Reminders

  • The Reminder option is now available in the Detail view of the Leads module.


  • You will now be able to use survey ratings of 1-5 in your surveys.


  • You now have support for extra headers, parameters and body for Webhook requests.


  • You can now report a bug by taking screenshots. You also have the option to edit the screenshot image and send an email with the image attached to [email protected].
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