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Can I send a document along with my WhatsApp message?

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Yes, you can.
Let us consider the following case. Have you ever booked a ticket on a travel or ticketing portal? On booking a ticket, you will have received a confirmation message on your WhatsApp number along with a PDF form of a ticket.

Similarly, you can attach and send various documents like invoices, quotes, brochures, etc., along with your WhatsApp messages.

You can attach or upload a document in the following ways.
  • Attaching a document
    • You can upload documents with your message by clicking the Attach Files link.
    • The maximum size of a document you can attach is limited to 16 MB.
  • Using Print Templates:
    • To attach a document, you must select the Print Template option while sending a WhatsApp message. On selecting this option, the CRM generates a PDF document and attaches it to the WhatsApp message.
    • To learn more about Print Templates, click here.
    • Note: The Print Template option is enabled only for the following modules - Deals, Quotes, Invoices, Cases, and Internal Tickets.
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