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Import History

Get the history of all the import processes performed in the past, along with the imported records.
21 Nov, 2023 - Updated 8 months ago
Table of Contents


Importing is the process of transferring records or data from your local computer into Vtiger CRM. 

With the import history, you can get the following information:

  • What records were imported
  • When records were imported
  • Who imported records

If you work in an administrative position, this information comes in handy to troubleshoot problems.

Import History

Let us first see how you can access the import history.

Follow these steps to see the import history:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  1. Click the Main Menu.
  2. Go to Tools.
  3. Select Import.

Note: If you do not see the Import module, enable it from Settings > Module Management > Modules or speak to your CRM administrator. 


You will see the import history when you land on the Import module. Details such as who imported records, which module were records imported into, etc., are shown in the history, and grouped into columns.

Refer to the following table to learn about the details available in the import history:

Field Name



Shows the import title

Imported into

Shows which module records were imported into

Imported by

Shows the name of the user who performed the import 

File Name

Shows the name of the local file that was imported

Import Status

Displays the status of the import process

  • In Progress: The import process is in progress
  • Completed: The import process was completed successfully
  • Reversed: The import process was undone (using the Undo button)
  • Failed: The import process failed due to some error

Modified Time

Shows the time the import was last modified


Note: Modified Time is initially set to when the import occurred. It changes to the current time when you Finish or Undo the import. Apart from performing the finish and undo actions, you cannot modify an import record in any other way.

To learn more about the import process in Vtiger CRM, click here.

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