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Landing Pages
Table of Contents
A Landing Page is where your customers and prospects ‘land’ after clicking on a call-to-action or CTA. Landing Pages are dedicated to specific promotions or marketing campaigns designed to accomplish single, specific objectives.

Landing Pages Module in Vtiger CRM
Vtiger CRM Landing Pages is a tool that helps you create specific yet responsive web pages with CTAs easily. Landing Pages provides you with an editor to create, edit, add elements, and publish a page using a simple Drag and Drop action.
You can select one of our pre-loaded templates directly or use them to create a customized page.
It also creates a Page URL. You can:
- Use the URL to add and display the created Landing Page at your desired location.
- Add URLs as links in SMS messages, emails, etc., to generate interest and response.
Benefits of using the Landing Pages module
- Create pages with single CTAs that will allow customers to focus on the motive and help increase the conversion rates.
- Facilitates targeted messaging.
- Reduces dependencies on design and development teams and hence is cost-effective.
- Contribute to increasing the credibility of your product or service.
Feature Availability and Limitations
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Accessing Landing Pages
Landing Pages are available by default in Vtiger CRM.
Follow these steps to go to Landing Pages in Vtiger CRM:
- Login to your CRM account.
- Click the User Menu.
- Click Marketing.
- Look for Marketing Enablement.
- Click Landing Pages.
With this, you will be directed to the Landing Pages module.
Creating and Publishing Landing Pages
Let us now learn how to create a Landing Page and publish it with Vtiger CRM.
Follow these steps to create and publish a Landing Page:
- Login to your CRM account.
- Click the User Menu.
- Click Marketing.
- Look for Marketing Enablement.
- Click Landing Pages to go to the Landing Pages module.
- Click +Add Page. The Add Landing Page popup will open.

- Enter the following details:
- Landing Page Name
- Description
- Owner details
- Click Select Template. You will be directed to the below Select Template page, which displays Themes and Pages.
- On the Select Theme page, you can:
- Select a theme under the Themes tab.
- Choose a default template or start with a blank page.
- Use the My Pages tab to display the Landing Pages already created by you.
- Once you select the template, the Add Landing Page editor screen is displayed.
- On this page, you can do the following using drag and drop:
- Open Style Manager - Use general, flex, dimension, typography, decorations, and extra settings.
- Settings - Add component ID and title.
- Open Layer Manager - View and rearrange components.
- Basic - Add columns, text, hyperlinks, images, video, navbar, table, map, IFrame, and align text.
- Once you finish editing the landing page, click Save as Publish or Save as Draft. Note: You can save a page as a draft and rework it at a later time.
- Saved records will be available in the Landing Pages List View with the status Published or Draft, as shown above.
- Clicking Save as Publish automatically generates a Page URL, as shown above.
- Use this Page URL to display the created Landing Pages at your desired location.
- Add the URL to your websites, SMS messages, or emails for targeted campaigns.
- The Page URL can be used in your websites, emails, or SMSes to focus your customer’s attention on your CTA or specific actions that you have set up, as shown below:
- Compose an email with a Landing Page.

- Send an SMS from the Landing Page.
This completes the creating and publishing Landing Pages process, and you will now be able to display the created Landing Pages to your customers in your desired locations.
Using Landing Pages Editor Components
The components and usage of the below Landing Page editor are as follows:
1. Open Style Manager
- Allows you to select Classes States such as Hover, Click, and Even/Odd.
- General: Provides Float, Display, and Position settings.
- Flex: Provides the Flex, Justify Content, Order, and Align Content settings.
- Dimension: Provides Width, Height, Margin, and Padding settings.
- Typography: Provides Font, Colour, Line-height, Text Align, and Text shadow settings.
- Decorations: Provides Border radius, Background color, Border, Box Shadow, and Background settings.
- Extra: Provides Transition, Perspective, and Transform settings.
2. Settings - This section helps you enter the input ID and title details.
3. Open Layer Manager - This section displays every specific component of the template. It also allows you to rearrange the positioning order of the components.
4. Open Blocks
- Basic: Provides options such as adding Columns, Centre align, Links, Text, Text section, and Icons.
- Media: Helps you add Images and Videos.
- Extra: Allows you to add Navbar, Map, Table, and IFrame.
5. View Components: This allows you to view every specific component of the template.
6. Preview: This allows you to preview the template.
7. Fullscreen: Provides the full-screen view.
8. Undo: Helps you revoke the action performed.
9. Redo: Helps you repeat the action performed.
10. Delete: Delete the entire template at once.
11. Desktop view: Displays the desktop view of the template.
Tablet view: Displays the tablet view of the template
Mobile view: Displays the mobile view of the template.
12. Insert: Helps you insert an Appointment, Survey link, Webform. Clicking on the same will direct you to the below screen.
13. Choose Another Template: Helps you choose another template if you wish to change.
14. Page Details: Helps you fill in the page details if you wish to change the Name, Description, or Owner details.
15. Save as Draft: Clicking on Save as Draft will save the created Landing Page as a Draft record in the List view of the Landing Pages module,
16. Save and Publish: Clicking on Save and Publish will save the published Landing Page as a Published record in the List view of the Landing Pages module.
17. Open Full Form in New Tab: Opens up the editor on a new tab.
18. Close: This allows you to exit the editor.
Landing Pages - List View
Let us understand the usage and icons present in the List view of the Landing Pages module.
Clicking on Save and Publish or Save as Draft, you will be navigated to the below List view.
The List view on the Landing Pages module display the below:
- Hovering the mouse on the right corner of the Landing Pages record displays the Edit and Publish icons.
- Edit: Clicking the Edit icon directs you to the editor to make changes to the specific Landing Page.
- Publish: Clicking the Publish icon will publish the specific Landing Page and automatically change the status from Draft to Published.
Let us now understand the Analytics section.
Clicking the Analytics icon will navigate you to the below Analytics section of all Landing Pages.
The Analytics page provides the below details:
Total Views: Displays the Total View count of all accessible pages.
Total Conversions: Displays the Total Conversion percentage of all accessible pages. Conversion here refers to every user submission of an Appointment, Survey or Webform available on the Landing Page.
Total Unique Visitors: Displays the Total Unique Visitors count across all pages.
Top Pages:
- #visitors: Displays a table of all Pages ordered by Visitors in descending order.
- #views: Displays Visitors and Views count.
News V/S Returning Visitors: Graphically displays the count of Unique Visitors and the Visitors who have returned back again.
Top 10 Countries Visitor Sources: Graphically displays Top 10 Countries that have more visitors.
Total Views by Device: Displays the count of Total Views of all pages via Device (such as mobile, PC, etc.).
Total Views by Channel: Displays the count of Total Views of all pages via Channel (such as emails and SMEs.).
Performance: Graphically displays the Views, Conversions, and Bounces by date.
Let us now look into the Detailed view.
Landing Pages - Detailed View
Let us now understand the Detailed view of the Landing Pages records.
Clicking the Draft or Published records on the List view, you will be navigated to the below Detailed view.
Let us understand the options available on the Detailed View of the Landing Pages records
- Preview: Clicking Preview, you will be directed to the preview of the created Landing Page as shown below.

- Change Status: This allows you to change the Landing Page status to - Draft, To be Reviewed, Reviewed, Published, and Disabled.
Once you change from one Status to the other the below success message is displayed.
- Edit: Clicking Edit directs you back to the below editor screen to make changes to the specific Landing Page.
- Activity: This allows you to post and receive comments for the respective Landing Page.
Let us now understand the Analytics section.
Clicking the Analytics icon will navigate you to the below Analytics section of the specific Landing Page.
The Analytics page provides the following details:
- Views: Displays the count of total Views on the Landing page.
- Conversions: Displays the percentage of total Conversions on the Landing page.
- Bounces: Displays the percentage of total Bounces on the Landing page. Here Bounce refers to any user visit without submission of Appointment, Survey or Webforms if available on the Landing Page.
- Unique Visitors: Displays the count of total Unique Visitors on the Landing Page.
- Total Views by Device: Displays the count of Total Views on the Landing Page via Device (such as mobile, PC, etc.).
- Total Views by Channel: Displays the count of Total Views on the Landing Page via Channel (such as emails and SMSes.).
- Total Conversions by Device: Displays the count of Total Conversions on the Landing Page via Device.
- Total Conversions by Country: Displays the count of Total Conversions on the Landing Page across countries.
- Views V/S Conversions by Device: Graphically displays the count of total Views and Conversions on the Landing Page.
Let us now learn how to perform Custom Domains in Vtiger CRM.
Landing Pages Custom Domains
Let us now understand how to perform Landing Pages on custom domains.
Vtiger does not support CNAME based redirections for Landing Page yet.
But you can still use your custom domain configuration in the server for redirections to the Landing Page.
For Instance, if your domain server is under Apache
- Enable proxy
- a2enmod proxy
- a2enmod proxy_http
- Updating Configuration
- File name /etc/apache2/sites-available/
- Append these lines
- SSLProxyEngine On
- SSLProxyCheckPeerCN on
- SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire on
- ProxyPass /
- ProxyPassReverse / https://landing_page_url
Now, when you access the URL remains the same, but the inclusive content will be the Landing Page content only.