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Vtiger Surveys

Send polls or surveys to your customers and employees to get their opinions and feedback on something.
18 Mar, 2025 - Updated 8 days ago
Table of Contents

Feature Availability 

Vtiger Editions: One Growth | One Professional | One Enterprise 


Use Vtiger Surveys to collect opinions and feedback from your customers and employees. For example, if you provide an onsite service to your customers, you can send them a survey after the service to get their feedback.

Note: Surveys is a paid add-on. 

Survey Types

After you install the Surveys module, you can start creating surveys right away!
You can create two types of surveys in Vtiger.
  • Internal surveys - These surveys are accessible only to your CRM users. 
  • External surveys - You can send these surveys to non-CRM users such as your customers, vendors, etc.

Question Types

You can add multiple questions to a survey. Following are the question types that Vtiger supports:
  • Text - For short answers
  • Radio Button - For multiple-choice questions
  • Checkbox - For multi-select questions
  • Dropdown - For select a single answer from a list of options
  • Text Area - For long-form answers
  • Rating - For 1-10 rating
  • NPS (Net Promoter Score) - For NPS questions with a rating from 1-10
  • Agree/Disagree - For yes/no type of answers

Installing Surveys

The Surveys module is an extension available in the Extension Store. You must install it to use it.

Follow these steps to install Surveys:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Click the Add-ons button on the bottom left. The Extension Store opens.
  4. Search for Surveys. The Add-on is displayed.
  5. Click Install.
  6. Click Yes to confirm the installation.

Once installed you can find it under Main Menu > Essentials.

Creating and Publishing an Internal Survey

CRM users must log in to the CRM to take an internal survey.

Follow these steps to create an internal survey:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to Essentials.
  4. Select Surveys.
  5. Click +Add Survey.
  6. Enter the Survey Details:
    1. Name - Enter the survey name.
    2. Survey link - Enter the link to the survey.
    3. Type - Choose Internal as the survey type.
    4. Expiry date - The survey will become inactive after this date.
    5. Assigned To - This is the owner of the survey.
    6. CSS file URL - Enter the CSS file URL you want to use to style the survey page. This is optional.
    7. Show responses - Enable the checkmark if you want the survey takers to be able to see their answers.
  7. Click Advanced Options.
  8. Enter the following information:
    1. Survey header - Enter the text that must appear on the page header.
    2. Survey footer - Enter the text that must appear on the page footer.
    3. Survey logo - You can insert a logo of size within 2 MB here. For example, the company logo.
  9. Click Go to Questions.
  10. Click +Add page. details. You can add multiple pages to a survey.
    1. Enter or select the following information:
      1. Page Title - Add a title for the page.
      2. Description -  Add description.
      3. To add another page, click +Add page shown on the right. 
  11. Add different question types by dragging them from the left.
    1. For the radio button, checkbox, and dropdown questions, you must also enter the answer options.
    2. You can also duplicate questions and add logic to them. Hover over a question to see these options.
  12. Click Save & Publish. 
    1. You can click Save as Draft to save the survey and edit it later.

When you save and publish a survey, it becomes active and accessible. You can share the link with the respondents. 

Options on the Questions page
While editing or creating survey questions, you can also find the following options at the top of the page:
  • Preview - You can use this to see a preview of how the survey page will look.
  • Survey Details - This option takes you back to the details you entered in Step 6.

Adding Logic to Questions

You can use Equal To and Not Equal To logic on every survey question. When a piece of logic holds good for a question, you can show another question or survey page.

Use Case 
Below is an example of creating a dependency between questions.
Let us add three questions - Q1, Q2, and Q3 to a survey. 
Q1: Which Grasspods product do you use?
  1. Speakers
  2. Home Theatre
  3. Headphones
  4. Projectors
Q2: How is the sound quality of the headphones?
  1. Excellent
  2. Good
  3. Average
  4. Below Average
  5. Poor
Q3: How is the noise cancellation of the headphones?
  1. Ordinary
  2. Good
  3. Amazing
  4. Bad
In the case above, you can add logic to Q1 as follows. If the answer is Equal To Headphones > Show Q2 and Q3. Similarly, you can add logic to the other questions.

Follow  these steps to add logic to a question:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to Essentials.
  4. Select Surveys.
  5. Open a survey.
  6. Click the Edit icon shown on the top-right.
  7. Click Go to Questions.
  8. Hover over a question and click the Logic icon shown in the top-right corner. The Logic window opens.
  9. Click +Add Logic.
  10. Enter the logic.
  11. Click Save.

Sending Internal Survey Link

After you create an internal survey, a link is generated. CRM users can use the link to take the survey. You can broadcast the survey link as a comment to the CRM users.

Follow these steps to broadcast a survey link:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to Essentials.
  4. Select Surveys.
  5. Open a survey.
  6. Click the Send Survey Link button shown on the top.
  7. Enter or edit the broadcast message.
  8. Click Comment to broadcast the link to the CRM users.

Creating and Publishing an External Survey

In addition to the details you enter in an internal survey, you also have the following options in external surveys:
  • Enabling captcha
  • Taking anonymous responses
  • Creating contacts
Follow these steps to create an external survey:
  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to Essentials.
  4. Select Surveys.
  5. Click +Add Survey.
  6. Enter or select the following information:
    1. Name - Enter the survey name.
    2. Survey link - Enter the link to the survey.
    3. Type - Choose Internal as the survey type.
    4. Expiry date - The survey will become inactive after this date.
    5. Assigned To - This is the owner of the survey.
    6. CSS file URL - Enter the CSS file URL you want to use to style the survey page. This is optional.
    7. Show responses - Enable the checkmark if you want the survey takers to be able to see their answers.
  7. Click Advanced Options.
  8. Enter the following information:
    1. Survey header - Enter the text that must appear on the page header.
    2. Survey footer - Enter the text that must appear on the page footer.
    3. Survey logo - You can insert a logo of size within 2 MB here. For example, the company logo.
    4. Captcha - If you enable this, the respondents must submit a captcha before submitting the survey response. This helps in avoiding spam responses and bots.
    5. Anonymous - If you enable this, responses will become anonymous. 
    6. Create contact - If you enable this, contact records are created in the CRM using the respondents’ details.
  9. Click Go to Questions.
  10. Click +Add page details.
    1. Add a page title and description. You can add multiple pages to a survey. To add another page, click +Add page shown on the right. 
  11. Add different question types by dragging them from the left.
    1. For the radio button, checkbox, and dropdown questions, you must also enter the answer options.
    2. You can also duplicate questions and add logic to them. Hover over a question to see these options.
  12. Click Save & Publish. 
    1. You can click Save as Draft to save the survey and edit it later.
When you save and publish a survey, it becomes active and accessible. You can share the link with the respondents. 
  • A survey captures the email address of respondents if the Anonymous field is disabled.
  • You cannot enable both the Anonymous and Create Contact fields simultaneously because an email address is needed to create a Contact.

Sending an External Survey Link

After you create an external survey, a link is generated. Respondents can use the link to take the survey. You can share survey links via email. 

Follow these steps to send a survey link:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to Essentials.
  4. Select Surveys.
  5. Open a survey.
  6. Click the Send Survey Link button shown on the top. The Compose Email window opens.
  7. Enter the To address of the recipient. You can send it to only one recipient at a time.
  8. Edit the subject, template, etc., if needed.
  9. Click Send shown on the bottom-right of the window.
Note: You can also insert survey links directly from the Compose Email window.
  1. Open the Compose Email window from anywhere in the CRM.
  2. Click the Insert Links drop-down.
  3. Click Insert Survey Link.
  4. Select a survey. Its link gets inserted into the email body.
  5. Click Send. 

Viewing Survey Responses

You can view a survey’s responses on the survey record. A survey response contains a response summary and individual responses.

Follow these steps to view a survey’s responses:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to Essentials.
  4. Select Surveys.
  5. Open a survey.
    1. Click the Summary tab to view the overall response.
    2. Click the Respondents tab to see the details of the survey respondents.
      1. Hover over a respondent.
      2. Click the View Responses icon to the right to see their answers.
      3. Click Ok to close the window.

Closing a Survey

When you no longer want people to take a survey, you can close it. When someone tries to open a closed survey, they will see this message - This survey is no longer accepting submissions.

Follow these steps to close a survey:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to Essentials.
  4. Select Surveys.
  5. Open a survey.
  6. Click the Close button on the top right.

To reopen a survey, click the Re-open shown on the survey record.

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