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What kind of WhatsApp messages can I send from the CRM?

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Currently, you can send the following types of messages from the CRM :
  • Send individual text messages by typing them.
  • Use standard message templates to communicate with your customers. In some cases, you can create standard message templates. You can use these templates for different customers and avoid typing individual messages.
  • Reply to those messages sent by your customers (within 24 hours).
Some examples of WhatsApp messages are:
  • Do you have a new product line you want to talk about? Send a teaser using a WhatsApp message to your customers.
  • Want to send a quotation to a customer? Send him a notification and attach the quote as a PDF along with a message.
  • Is it that time of the year again? Send Season's Greeting and New Year Wishes to all your customers.
Note: Standard message templates need to be approved by WhatsApp. 
To know more about standard message templates, click here.
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