FAQs in this section
What is an Email Campaign?
What are the types of Email Campaigns in Vtiger CRM?
How do I create an autoresponder Email Campaign?
How do I test an Email Campaign before sending it out?
How do I schedule an Email Campaign?
How do I edit an autoresponder email campaign that has started?
How do I start an autoresponder Email Campaign?
How do I set up Email Settings to send an Email Campaign?
What are the different types of opt-ins?
When does a contact's Email Opt-in field take the value Opted Out (contact)?
My autoresponder email campaign has a slight delay. Why?
How do I stop an Autoresponder Email Campaign?
What are the different statuses that an Email Campaign can take?
What are Email Campaign credits?
How do I change my Email Campaigns plan?
Why has my Email Campaigns subscription become inactive?
What happens if I do not renew my Email Campaign credits?
What should I do when my Email Campaigns subscription becomes inactive?
Why does my scheduled email campaign get delayed by a few minutes?
How do I reschedule an Email Campaign?
What happens when I cancel an Email Campaign?
How do I duplicate an Email Campaign?
How do I generate reports on Email Campaigns?
How do I view the metrics of my email campaigns?
How do I track the recipients' activities on Email Campaigns?
How do I see the Email Campaigns that I have sent to a contact?
Why do contacts mark my Email Campaigns as spam?
When does Vtiger suspend an Email Campaign subscription?
How do I deactivate the suspension from my Email Campaign account?
Images do not load correctly on Outlook. Why?
How does an Autoresponder Campaign send emails on the day it is created?
How do I stop my Email Campaigns from landing Gmail's Promotions?
What are drip Email Campaigns?
How do I set up a Reply To address for my Email Campaign?
Is an email address removed from the marketing list if a bounce occurs on it?
What is the benefit of duplicating an Email Campaign?
I am not able to use my Yahoo email address in the From email field.
What measures do I take if spam complaints, unsubscribes, or bounces occur on my Email Campaigns?
What is the maximum number of spam complaints, unsubscribes, and bounces I can get on my Email Campaigns?
Is there a free plan for Email Campaign credits?
How many email credits do I get during a free trial?
What is the difference between available and allowed credits?
What are the allowed credits for different values of Nice Score?
Why have my allowed credits become zero?
What does bounce mean? How does it affect the marketing list?
How do I know if a marketing list contains contacts or organizations?
How do I select a marketing list in an Email Campaign?
Is there a way to check my Email Campaign's spam score?
What are some ways to prevent my Email Campaigns from landing in spam?
What is the Vtiger-Mailchimp integration?
How do I install the Mailchimp extension?
How do I add the API key for Mailchimp-Vtiger CRM?
How do I sync data between Vtiger and Mailchimp?
How do I delink Mailchimp from Vtiger?
How do I integrate Mailchimp with Vtiger CRM?
How do I initiate Email Marketing with Vtiger?
What do Email Campaign Reports display?
What can I do with Email Campaign Reports?
What is Buy One-Time Credit for Email Campaigns?
Where do I find Buy One-Time Credits in Vtiger CRM?
What should I do if I require extra credits?
What are Pay-as-you-go credits?
Is there an expiry date for Buy One-Time Credits?
What happens to unused Pay-to go credits?
Will first-time users be able to use Buy One Time credits?
What are the benefits of Buy One-TIme Credit in Email Campaigns?
How do I add Buy One-Time Credit in Email Campaigns?
What is the payment procedure for Buy One-Time Credit for Email Campaigns?
Can I perform CRUD operations on email campaigns?
What are the benefits of Mailchimp integration?
Is there a way to download all Contacts who opened our newsletters?
Where can I find the bounce reason for both hard and soft bounces in my email campaign reports?
Why are emails not getting delivered to my Contacts?
How do I attach the video to the Email Campaign?
How do I attach a PDF file to an Email Campaign?
How do I create a regular email campaign?
Table of Contents
Follow these steps to create a regular Email Campaign:
- Log in to your CRM account.
- Click the Main Menu.
- Go to Marketing.
- Select Email Campaigns.
- Click +New Email Campaign.
- Enter the Campaign Name.
- Select Regular.
- Click Next.
- The email campaign gets created in Draft mode.
- Enter the following details:
- Recipients
- Select a marketing list from the drop-down or click Create New Marketing List to create a new one. To learn about creating a marketing list, click here.
- Enable Email will be sent to all subscribers to send the email campaign to all the subscribers on the marketing list.
- Enable Choose a segment to send the email campaign to a filtered list of subscribers on the marketing list. Click Create a segment to filter the list of subscribers by applying conditions. To learn about creating a segment, click here.
- Click Save.
- Sender Information
- Enter From Name, From Email, and Reply To email address.
- Note: You must verify the From Email before sending an email campaign.
- Assign the email campaign to a user under the Assigned To field.
- Enable Real-Time Alerts to receive alerts when the recipients open the email.
- Enable Google Analytics Tracking to allow Google Analytics to track the clicks on links in the email body.
- Click Save.
- Content
- Selecting an existing template:
- Click Select Template to choose an email template for your emails. To learn about creating/editing email templates, click here.
- Look for your desired template by using the search bar.
- Select a template.
- Edit the template if required.
- Click Done.
- An unsubscribe link is added to the bottom of the email.
- Designing a new template:
- Click Design from scratch.
- Click one of these tabs – Themes, Blueprints, My Templates, or By coding. You can create a template by picking one of these options.
- Click Done after designing the template.
- An unsubscribe link is added to the bottom of the email.
- Click Send Now.
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