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Accessing your Vtiger CRM data via OData feed

Bindu Rekha Babu
17 Jun, 2024 - Updated 1 month ago
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OData (Open Data Protocol) allows applications such as Microsoft Power BI, MS Sharepoint, and other Apps to readily consume queryable information in a simple and standard way.

OData is a REST-based protocol for querying and updating data and is built on standardized technologies such as HTTP, Atom/XML, and JSON. It is different from other REST-based web services in that it provides a uniform way to describe both the data and the data model.

OData and Vtiger CRM

Vtiger provides an entry point to access data in OData format. User can hit the OData URL and provide credentials to fetch information from any module

For example, To fetch data from Contacts module


To access the data you need to send Your User name and access key as basic authentication to the api call.


It even allows fetching filtered data

  • Fetch selected fields
  • Fetch with conditions
    instance_url/restapi/V1/OData/Pull/odata.svc/Contacts?$filter=firstname eq 'Mark'
  • Fetch with limit
  • Skip few records from the result (we can use this for paging)
  • Count the total number of records


  • To ensure optimal performance, results are limited to 5000 records per request. To get the next set of records, you can use the Skip command.
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