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What are Record-Level Analytics

Learn how you can get all the analytics related to your contacts, deals, cases, and more, just in a few clicks.
31 Mar, 2020 - Updated 4 years ago
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What are Record-Level Analytics

Record-level analytics, offered by the Analytics widget displayed on a record, have pre-built charts that give important metrics about the record. 

For example, you can get the count of activities performed by a sales rep on a deal by looking at the Activity Count by Owner chart. 

Furthermore, you can get customized analytics by creating new charts. 

Note: Only Admin users can create, edit, or delete a widget in Record-Level Analytics. Standard users only have view permission.


Here are some situations where you might need record-level analytics:

As a salesperson working on a deal, you want to know about the projects created for the deal. You can get this information by creating a widget on the deal’s related projects. 

As a sales manager monitoring a deal’s progress, you can use the deal’s analytics to be informed about its status. 

As a project manager, you want to know about the tasks that are being carried out for a project and their assignees. You can derive these details by creating a widget on project-related tasks.

Feature Availability and Limits





One Professional

One Enterprise

Feature Availability

Record-Level Analytics

Number of Widgets you can Create per Module





Default Widgets under Record-Level Analytics

Vtiger CRM displays a few widgets by default under Analytics so that you have critical information handy. 

Note: You can see default widgets for Deals, Contacts, and Organizations only.

Default widgets in Deals

You can see the following widgets under Analytics by default on a deal record:

Widget Name

Data Displayed

Quotes Count by Status

The total number of quotes created for the deal, sorted by Quote Stage

Invoice Count and Amount by Status

The total number and amount of invoices created for the deal, sorted by Status

Violated and Escalated Cases

The list of violated and escalated cases on the deal

Activity Count by Type

The total number of activities on the deal, sorted by Activity Type

Activity Count by Owner

The total number of activities on the deal, sorted by activity owner (Assigned To)


Default widgets in Contacts

You can see the following widgets under Analytics by default on a contact record:

Widget Name

Data Displayed

Deals Count and Value by Stage

The total number of deals related to the contact and their total value, sorted by Sales Stage

Cases Count by Status

The total number of cases related to the contact, sorted by Status

Quotes Count by Status

The total number of quotes related to the contact, sorted by Quote Stage

Invoice Count and Amount by Status

The total number and amount of invoices created for the contact, sorted by Status

Violated and Escalated Cases

The list of violated and escalated cases reported by the contact 


Default widgets in Organizations

You can see the following widgets under Analytics by default on a contact record:

Widget Name

Data Displayed

Deals Count and Value by Stage

The total number of deals related to the contact and their total value, sorted by Sales Stage

Cases Count by Status

The total number of cases related to the contact, sorted by Status

Quotes Count by Status

The total number of quotes related to the contact, sorted by Quote Stage

Invoice Count and Amount by Status

The total number and amount of invoices created for the organization, sorted by Status

Violated and Escalated Cases

The list of violated and escalated cases reported by the organization

How to View Analytics

Vtiger CRM provides the Analytics widget in every record, where you can create charts and lists and get key metrics related to the record. 

How to create charts

Charts are a graphical representation of data.

Follow these steps to create a chart:

  1. Open a CRM record.
  2. Click the Analytics widget displayed on the right. 
  3. Click ‘+’ to add a widget under Analytics.
  4. Enter the widget name, select a related module, and select the widget type as Chart.
  5. Select the type of chart you want to create – Pie chart, Donut chart, Vertical Bar chart, Horizontal Bar chart, or Line chart.
  6. Select the field based on which you want to group data under Group By.
  7. Select the Data Field to display. 
  8. Set up conditions (optionally) on fields.
  9. Click Save.


  • When you create a widget on a record, Vtiger CRM creates the same widget on all records in the module.
  • When you delete a widget in a record, Vtiger CRM deletes the widget in all records in the module.

How to create lists

Follow these steps to create a list:

  1. Open a CRM record.
  2. Click the Analytics widget displayed on the right. 
  3. Click ‘+’ to add a widget under Analytics.
  4. Enter the widget name, select a related module, and select the widget type as List.
  5. Select the fields you want to display in the list.
  6. Set up conditions (optionally) on fields by clicking Add Conditions.
  7. Click Save. 

How to get key metrics

Follow these steps to get key metrics:

  1. Open a CRM record.
  2. Click the Analytics widget displayed on the right. 
  3. Click ‘+’ to add a widget under Analytics.
  4. Enter the widget name, select a related module, and select the widget type as Key Metrics.
  5. Select the field based on which you want to group the metrics Group By
  6. Set up conditions (optionally) on fields by clicking Add Conditions.
  7. Click Save.

Actions Possible on Record-Level Analytics

Click the More icon displayed on the widgets to see actions. You can perform the following actions on analytics: 

  • Edit: Use this option to edit the data displayed. 
  • Delete: You can delete the widget by using this option.
  • Print: This option allows you to print the widget data.
  • Save as Image: Using this option, you can save the widget data as a .png image on your local computer.
  • Refresh: Use this option to refresh widget data.

Note: The Print and Save as Image options are available only for widgets of type Chart.

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