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Vtiger 360 Mobile App

Bindu Rekha Babu
20 Jun, 2024 - Updated 9 months ago
Table of Contents


Note: Vtiger 360 is the mobile version of Vtiger CRM - V7. 

Engage with your customers from wherever business takes you on your Android or iPhone. Vtiger 360 Mobile Application enables business users to manage sales, support, projects, and marketing on the go on your Android or iPhones. Users can create and edit Leads, Contacts, Opportunities, Cases, and much more. Get notified about the scheduled events and any updates made on records you follow.

Login to Vtiger 360

After installation, open Vtiger 360 to login to your instance.

Vtiger provides the following options to log in.

  1. Manual login: Enter your username and password.
  2. SSO options: Single Sign-on helps users to login once and access all the services. The administrator can control the services the users can access to improve security and safety.
    Vtiger supports Single Sign-on via Google, and any SAML based identity provider.
    The administrator has to configure the Authentication settings in user management to sign in with Google or an IDP.

Follow these steps login with an IDP.

  1. Click on the link to sign in with SAML.
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  2. Click on Sign in with SAML.
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  3. Enter your vtiger CRM URL and click Submit.
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  4. Enter your SAML login credentials and click Login. You’re automatically redirected to Vtiger 360.

Note! In case if you face a 403 error when you login to Vtiger app, please set up a default browser in your device to login successfully.


On login to the Mobile App you will be landing on the Home page also referred as Dashboard, where you will find default list, today’s events and tasks, recent comments and also shortcut access.

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List Metrics

Any list owned by you can be added as a key list metric on the dashboard.
If My Contacts is your default list, then this will be available as a key metric by default. You can remove this and/or add any other list metric to the dashboard.

Add list to dashboard

  1. Tap on Add List block
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  2. Select module from the dropdown to add a list
  3. Select the list and tap Save

Delete List from Dashboard

Tap & hold on a particular list blocks to remove it from the dashboard.

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Quick Create Events and Tasks from Dashboard

All the events or task scheduled for today will be shown on the dashboard. To create an event follow these steps.

  1. Tap on the  icon beside Today’s Event block to create an event.
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  2. Enter the Subject and tap on the arrow to assign to a particular agent.
  3. Tap on the Date/Time field to change the date/time.
  4. Enter all the mandatory fields and tap  to save the event.
  5. To cancel the event, tap on X icon

Note! Follow the same procedure to create a task.

My Mentions

The first 5 recent comments will be shown up in the dashboard. Tap on the particular comment to view the related record details.
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App Menu icon

Tap on alt text icon on the top left corner to view module list or toggle between Menu Apps.

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Tap on alt text icon to view all the notifications. When any calendar activity is triggered based on the Reminder set, you get notified via the Notification mode that you configured. This action is same as that on your system.

  1. Tap on the @ symbol to view all the messages/comments addressed to you. Mention a user in the comment with @ symbol and tap on the > button to send.
    Click on  icon of the comment to reply.
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You can also dismiss all your alerts at once if you no longer want them to be displayed. To dismiss all the alerts, click on CLEAR ALL button.
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  1. To view the calendar activity assigned to you, tap on Click on  icon of the record to mark the activity as completed/held, followup, reschedule or dismiss it from Notification center.
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  2. To view email alerts in real-time, tap on alt text icon.

Email tracking with real-time alerts.
Timing is critical for sales. With real-time tracking of emails, sales reps get a push notification the second a prospect opens their email or clicks a link inside or views a shared document.

To get notified real time on any activity for an email sent, go to Settings > enable Push Notifications > enable “Email Alerts”. Learn more.

Click on  icon of the email alert to perform actions such as call, email(reply), add a comment or dismiss the alert.
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  1. Tap on the ! symbol to view all the Active and Snoozed activities. Click on  icon of the to snooze the activity, follow up or dismiss it from the Notification center.

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To activate to snoozed record, click on  icon and select Activate.
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  • Tap the alt text icon from the bottom bar to view or add the events. You will be redirected to the Agenda View of Calendar.
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  • A red dot in the Calendar indicates there are Events scheduled on that date. Tap on the red dot to view all the events scheduled for that particular date.

  • Click on the Event to go to the record view of the event.

  • Tap  icon to add new event.

Task Management

  • Tap on alt text icon from the bottom bar to view My Tasks and Completed tasks. All the tasks are segmented depending on their priority.
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  • Click the task record to go to the record view of the task.
  • Click the Attachment icon to insert a file in the task.
  • Tap on the checkbox beside the task record to mark the task as completed in My Tasks section.
  • In Completed task section, tap on the checkbox to change the status of the task.

Scan Business Card

Follow below steps to scan a business card from your app.

  1. Tap onicon.
  2. Choose Camera or Gallery to scan the card.
  3. Using Gallery redirects you to choose an image from your gallery.
  4. Using Camera lets you click a picture of the business card. Click here to know more about 'How to Scan Business Card?'. You can also tap the flash icon to adjust your lighting options.
  5. Tap on Scan
  6. After scan, choose create Contact or create Lead.
  7. Tap on the values to copy to a field.
  8. Click on Next.
  9. Tap  icon to save the record.

NOTE! Labels of the Vtiger mobile application can be edited from Module Management > Labels Editor in the desktop version.

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Module Level navigation and gestures

List view


  • Selecting a module from  icon will redirect you to the Module List view.
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  • In List view, tap on the arrow beside the filter icon to Switch between the filters.
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  • Sort the list according to your preference by tapping on the arrow beside the Sort tab. The sort list shows the header fields only.
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  • Tap on  icon to create a new record.

Detail View


  • Tap on particular record to go to the Detail view of the record. The Detail view of record is partitioned into 4 sections namely, Summary, Details, Touchpoints and Related records.
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  • Tap on the particular section to view the details.

  • In Summary view you will find the Key fields and recent Comments related to the record.
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  • Related section shows all the related modules along with the record count. Tap on the count to view the record.
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  • Details, Touchpoint Header field, Key fields are same as that you view in the browser.
Sensitive fields

On storing sensitive data, such as a contact’s national ID number or credit card number, you can choose to give contacts control over that field by requesting permission through their consents page.
Vtiger 360 mobile app is flexible to view encrypted data in a record view.
To see the value click on the eye icon. Viewing any sensitive field data logs the activity in the updates section.
To change the sensitive value, go to edit view, remove the existing value and enter the new data.
Click here to learn more about Sensitive fields.


  • Tap on  icon to follow the record
  • Tap on  icon to edit the record
  • Tap on  icon to delete the record
  • Tap on  icon to move a step back

All the modules have same gestures except Case and Opportunity which is mentioned below


Case detail view opens the Interactions tab showing the email interactions with the customer and internal comments.

  • Tap Reply to reply to the email.
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  • Tap Add Comment to add an internal comment to the record.
  • Tap on Vertical Ellipse icon to Accept, Reassign or Delete the Case.
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You can change the Sales Stage of a particular record in Detail view.

  • Tap on the arrow mark to change the Sales Stage status.
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  • Tap on  icon to save the changes.


Please follow these steps to create an Invoice.

  1. Go to Invoice and click on the icon.
  2. Click on the icon in the item details block.
  3. Choose Products/Services to add.

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  1. Tap and hold on the specific item to edit the values of Quantity/Selling price/Discount type. Then, click on Apply button to save the changes.

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  1. Click on the ADD button. Fill in other item information.
  2. Click on the ADD button to add the line items.
  3. Enter other necessary details.
  4. To edit individual line item details, click on the Edit button of a particular item and enter the values. Then, click on Update button.

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  1. Finally, save the Invoice.


Vtiger approval process automation allows administrators or process owners to set up an approval process adhering to their business processes with an option to set up multi-level approval hierarchy. Approver could be a user or a reporting manager. Learn more

Approval process - For submitters

When a sales/marketing representatives create a record which matches at least one of the approval processes, they are prompted to send the record for approval from their direct reporting managers.
The submitter can enter the note for approvers in the pop-up.
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Approval process - For approvers

Approvers get a push notification when a record is waiting for their approval.
Clicking on the notification redirects the approver to the related approval record.

As an approver, you can respond to a record waiting for approval from

  • the approval record view.
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  • the approval widget of the submitted record.
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  • Dashboard.
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Follow/add followers to the record.

Following a record is a nice fashion of marking a record as your favorite and is a shortcut to get to your favorite record. By following a record, you get updates on it as the users modify the record.
For example, when you follow an Opportunity record, you’ll receive alerts on each update such as adding comments, linking events, contacts, etc. made on that Opportunity record.

  1. To follow a record, go to your desired record and click on the star icon in the record view.
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  2. To add followers to a record,

    • Click on the  icon in the summary view.
    • Click on Add Followers option.
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    • Select the users to add and click on Add button.
  3. To remove the followers, go to the summary view of a record and click on X beside the follower.
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Shortcuts and Widgets

Vtiger 360 provides you with the shortcut icons and widgets to perform frequently used actions such Email, Call, Comment, Creating an Event, Task, Document quickly. In addition, you can view the Contact location on the map.

Shortcut Icons.

  •  - App Menu Icon
  •  - Notification Center
  •  - Search. Tap on the icon to search for a record within the CRM
  •  - Dashboard
  •  - Calendar.Today’s planned events are shown up here
  •  - Task Management. View My Tasks and Completed tasks in this section.
  •  - Scan the business card. Add the image from the gallery or use camera to capture the image
  •  - Quick Create Records. Select the module from the list to create a record. Enter the details and tap on  icon to save the record.
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  • Call, Email, Map shortcuts icon appear at the bottom only if a record contains a phone number, email address and location fields, respectively.
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View Leads, Contacts and Organizations on map

Locate an Organization or find directions to your Contact or Lead address using the Map icon.
The map icon appears in the record view of all the modules having default address fields.
Eg, Leads, Contacts, Organization and Vendors.

To view the Address/Location

Click on Map icon to view the location on default maps available on your device.
For multiple address fields in a record, you are prompted to pick the address for map view.
For example,
Contact module has an address selection popup to choose among Mailing address and Billing address.
Organization module has an address selection popup to choose among Billing address and Shipping address.

Summary view Widgets

Any shortcut action created via summary view is available as a widget.

Click on  icon to Create Event/Create Task/Attach Document/Add comment.

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The order of widgets is as follows

  1. Events: A list of related Events is displayed below the header fields of the record.
  2. Tasks: Tasks are listed below the Events widget with the same functionality as Events.
  3. Comments: All the related Comments are listed below the Task widget.
  4. Documents: The attached documents to the record are listed here.
  5. Key fields: Fields enabled with key field checkbox are listed here.
  6. Contacts Widget in Organization module: Lists all the related Contacts record.
  7. Quote widget in Opportunities module: Lists all the related Quotes record.

Attach Files to Comments

Add files as an attachment while commenting on a record. The maximum file size to upload a file is limited to 50 MB.
To attach the file, click on ‘Attach file’ button. You can either browse system files or take a photo and attach it.
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Add Voice notes in comments

Save time on jotting meeting minutes, keynotes, or any other reports just by recording a voice note from the comments section.

How do I add a Voice Note?
Follow below steps to attach a voice note in a comment.

  1. Go to any record’s Summary view and scroll down to the Comment section.
  2. Click on the Record button to start recording.
  3. The voice note window pops up to record the audio automatically.
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  4. Click on  icon to pause the audio. To restart recording, click on  icon.

  5. Click on  icon to end the recording.
  6. Name your recording and click Save to attach it to the comment.
  7. Click on X icon, and then click Yes* to discard the recording.
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Once the audio is attached, the comment box automatically populates the following text: “Please listen to attached voice note”.
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Alternatively, you can attach voice note from related Comments tab.

1. You can attach only one file per comment. It can either be a document or a recorded audio file.
2. The Android phone supports voice note in .mp3 format and iOS phone in .wav format.
3. You can attach Voice Note only from Summary view and related Comments tab.
4. Voice notes cannot be attached from Vtiger Buzz or on Cases reply comment.

Click on the attached voice note to play. Vtiger app downloads the audio and plays it in the inbuilt player.
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  1. Can I rewind or forward the audio while playing?
    • No, you can not rewind or forward the audio.

1. Comments widget lists the recent 5 comments whereas the other widgets list the recent 10 related records.
2. Only widgets for which the user has access to are listed on summary view.

Log outgoing calls from Vtiger 360

Calls made from Vtiger 360 app can be logged as an outbound call and reflected in customer touchpoints. Call logs help you to record outgoing calls including the name of the caller, the number dialled, the time, date, and the duration of the call.

Note: To log every call you make via the app, you have to enable ‘Call Log toggle in ‘Settings’.

Log calls from any of the modules having phone field with phone numbers. For every call, you can create an Event record.

How do I log outgoing calls in Vtiger 360?

  1. Click on the phone number to make a call either from summary view or detail view or header view of the record.
  2. After the call ends/disconnected, a pop-up appears to log the call.
  3. Provide Subject to the event.
  4. Click on Yes button to log the call, an Event record is created with the call details.
  5. Click on ‘Add a Description’ in the call log pop up to add your important notes as the description in the Event record.
  6. The created Event will be linked to the record that initiated the call.
  7. On clicking No button, the call is not logged.

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Logged call details

Fields that auto-fill their values are listed below

Event Details Block

Field Description
Subject Name of the Event takes the format “Outgoing call to Name of the record-Phone number”.
Assigned To Logged in user who dials the call.
Start Date & Time Date & Time at which the call starts
End Date & Time Date & Time at which the call ends
Status Held
Send Notification No.
Activity Type Mobile Call
Created Time Event created date and time.
Modified Time Last modification date and time of the Event
Created By User who created the event.
Source Mobile.

Retaled To Block

Field Description
Retaled To Name of the related module’s record.
Contact Name Name of the related Contact.


  1. On creation of an event record via call log, all the mandatory fields in that Event record takes default value if there is present.
  2. You can make an outbound call only from Leads, Contacts, Organizations and Vendors modules.
  3. Vtiger 360 app supports Dynamic Dependency fields. Click here to learn more.

Upload and send Documents via Vtiger 360

With Vtiger 360, upload any document (list any file types not allowed) to Vtiger 360 and share it with your clients. You can also select a document already uploaded via Vtiger web and share via Vtiger 360.

To View Documents

Clicking on the document opens in the available native document viewer.

NOTE! You can just view the documents on your phone, sent by your customers.

The related section shows all the related modules along with the record count. Tap on the particular module to add a new record or view the existing records. You can also select the records from the list and relate them to the primary record.

Buttons Modules
Add Button Only Contacts, Opportunities, Activities, Inventory Modules, Service Contracts, Projects, Assets, Cases, Esign Documents, Comments.
Select Button Only Products, Services, Vendors, Campaigns.
Both Add and Select Button Documents.
No Buttons Emails, Payments, Phone calls, Subscriptions, Transactions, Olark Chats, Products, Bundle, Pricebooks[~], Timelogs[~].

[~] indicates custom related tabs.

To view the related emails of a record, go to record summary view > Related tab> Click on Emails.

  • Related emails
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  • List of Emails
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You can perform the following actions on the emails.

  1. Reply.
  2. Reply all.
  3. Add Comment.
  4. Forward.

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1. You can only perform Reply and Forward actions on the individual email.

  1. Everytime you change any CRM settings, you need to log out from vtiger 360 app and log in to update the changes done in the CRM to the mobile app.

Vtiger 360-Offline Support

Access CRM data on Vtiger 360 even when you are not connected to the internet. Learn more

Vtiger 360 for Field Sales

Vtiger 360 empowers field sales agents to locate client addresses visually on a map and plan their travel for onsite meetings. Field Sales rep can update the Contact addresses based on the actual location without any manual editing. Learn more

Check-in for field sales team

Plan your customer visits faster with Vtiger 360’s GPS features to check-in and check-out at the event location. Learn more


  • Phone Calls Module has no option to edit the record, you can only view.
  • Downloading the document is restricted.
  • Esign, Social, Email templates, Print templates, Reports and Extension modules are restricted from Mobile app.
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