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Merging Duplicates in Summary View

Bindu Rekha Babu
26 Jun, 2024 - Updated 7 months ago
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Manage and eliminate the duplicate records from and within the Summary view to maintain the CRM record level integrity. 
Duplicate records are a common occurrence in every CRM. Over time, organizations accumulate duplicate data, which causes problems such as loss of valuable information due to data inconsistency, missed sales opportunities, lack of productivity, etc. To help you keep your CRM clutter-free, we have built the Vtiger Duplicate Prevention tool.
Eliminate the duplicates, and reconcile the existing duplicate entries with Duplicates in Summary View.


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Duplicates widget

Duplicates is a default widget in the Summary view. It appears only if the Duplicate Check and Consent modules are enabled. You can view the Duplicates widget only if there are any duplicate records.

Below are the following cases when the Duplicates widget pop-up in the Summary view:

  • Case 1: Duplicate check and Consent are disabled.
    • The Duplicate Widget is not available.
  • Case 2: Duplicate check is enabled, and consent is disabled.
    • Duplicate Widget displays duplicate records, if any, depending on the rules set up in Module Layouts and Fields > Duplicate Prevention.
  • Case 3: Duplicate check is disabled, and consent is enabled.
    • The Duplicate Widget displays all the duplicate records matching the primary email only.
  • Case 4: Duplicate check and Consent are enabled.
    • CRM checks for records matching the primary email and all the fields selected in the Duplicate check. If an identical record is found, it is displayed in the Duplicate widget.
  • Note:  The Duplicates widget doesn’t appear if the record doesn’t have any duplicates.

Merging Duplicate records

Merge duplicates to store all valuable information in one record and ignore other insignificant details. The merge operation deletes all duplicate records and merges the field values to the parent record.

Follow these steps to merge duplicate records:

  1. Select the records and click on the Merge button. You can merge all records at once.
  2. A warning pops up to get confirmation. You can perform the following actions.
    1. Merge: To merge the values from the duplicate record to the parent record.
    2. Review and Merge: To review the values and choose the appropriate value for a field.
    3. Cancel: To cancel merge operation.
  3. Note: You can only merge up to 25 duplicate records to the original record.
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