FAQs in this section
What is Clickatell?
What is the WhatsApp integration with Clickatell for Vtiger CRM?
Can I configure WhatsApp with Clickatell integration in Vtiger CRM?
What are the benefits of integrating WhatsApp and Clickatell with Vtiger CRM?
What are the prerequisites to integrate Clickatell with Vtiger CRM?
How do I Install Clickatell Extension In Vtiger CRM?
How do I configure WhatsApp with Clickatell for Vtiger CRM?
How do I disable WhatsApp integration with Clickatell?
What is Gupshup?
What is WhatsApp integration with Gupshup for Vtiger CRM?
Can I configure WhatsApp with Gupshup in Vtiger CRM?
What are the benefits of integrating WhatsApp and Gupshup with Vtiger CRM?
What are the prerequisites for integrating Gupshup with Vtiger CRM?
How do I install the Gupshup extension in Vtiger CRM?
How do I send WhatsApp messages using Clickatell from Vtiger CRM?
How do I use Gupshup WhatsApp templates in Vtiger CRM?
How do I disable WhatsApp integration with Gupshup?
How do I send WhatsApp messages using Gupshup from Vtiger CRM?
What is Wablas?
What is the WhatsApp - Wablas integration for Vtiger CRM?
What are the benefits of Vtiger and Wablas integration?
How do I install Wablas as a service provider in the CRM?
Where is Wablas available as a WhatsApp service provider in the CRM?
How do I integrate Wablas with Vtiger CRM?
How do I send a WhatsApp message from the CRM using Wablas?
How do I send a WhatsApp message using Wablas from the CRM List View?
How to send a message using Wablas from the Summary View?
How do I view WhatsApp-Wablas records in the CRM?
How do I view WhatsApp records for Wablas from the WhatsApp module?
How do I view WhatsApp records for Wablas from a module?
What are the WhatsApp opt-in settings available for Clickatell in Vtiger CRM?
How do I create Clickatell WhatsApp Templates for WhatsApp messaging?
Where can I see WhatsApp - Clickatell records in the CRM?
Can One Professional Edition users integrate WhatsApp with Gupshup?
How do I integrate my personal number into the app?
What are the limitations of WhatsApp Personal number integration?
What is WhatsApp personal number integration in Vtiger CRM?
What are the limitations of WhatsApp personal number integration?
What are the benefits of using WhatsApp personal number integration?
What is the WhatsApp notification tracker?
What is WhatsApp Business API?
What is Notification access?
Can I install the Vtiger Mobile CRM app on my phone?
How do I install Vtiger Mobile CRM on my mobile?
Where do I find the Vtiger CRM app on installation?
How do I set up a personal WhatsApp number in the Vtiger CRM app?
How do I send a WhatsApp message from the Vtiger Mobile CRM app?
How do I use WhatsApp templates to send WhatsApp messages?
Will the Vtiger track my personal WhatsApp messages?
Should the Vtiger CRM app be active or running in the background to track WhatsApp messages?
Can I send or view attachments?
Will I be charged for sending messages?
Should I buy WhatsApp API for sending messages from the app?
Is the WhatsApp Mobile CRM app available for Android and iOS mobile phones?
What is WATI?
Explain WATI Integration with Vtiger CRM.
What are the benefits of WATI Integration with Vtiger CRM?
How do I integrate WhatsApp with WATI in Vtiger CRM?
How do I install the WATI Add-on in Vtiger CRM?
How do I configure WATI in the WhatsApp module?
How do I add webhooks for Incoming Callback?
How do I add webhooks for Status Callback?
How do I create templates in the WATI platform?
How do I send messages from the CRM using WATI?
What is Ampala Info Services?
What is the WhatsApp Integration with Ampala?
Can I configure WhatsApp Integration with Ampala?
What are the benefits of using WhatsApp Integration with Ampala?
How do I install Ampala in Vtiger CRM?
How do I configure WhatsApp and Ampala in Vtiger CRM?
How do I send WhatsApp messages from List View?
How do I send a WhatsApp message from the Summary View?
How do I reply to WhatsApp messages from Summary View?
Where can I view all WhatsApp message records in the CRM?
Can I send messages using other WhatsApp templates?
How do I create WhatsApp Templates in Ampala?
How do I sync Ampala WhatsApp approved Templates in Vtiger?
What are the available webhook events in Wati WhatsApp integration?
How does the system identify and link customer replies to specific messages?
How do I configure WhatsApp with Gupshup for Vtiger CRM?
Table of Contents
This process involves multiple steps and requires you to navigate to and fro between Vtiger CRM, Gupshup, and WhatsApp screens.
Note: Only admin users can configure this integration.
Step 1: Add Gupshup as a service provider
Follow the below steps to add Gupshup as a service provider in the CRM:
Step 2: Retrieving the API key from the Gupshup page
Note: Keep your Gupshup login credentials before you begin.
Follow these steps to retrieve the API Key:
Step 3: Adding your WhatsApp number on Gupshup
Step 4: Opting in and activating your Gupshup WhatsApp number
You will now have to navigate back to Vtiger CRM.
Step 6: Adding API Key, From Number, and Sandbox App Name in Vtiger CRM
Follow these steps to add the API Key, From Number, and Sandbox App Name (that you copied from the Gupshup screen):
Once you send WhatsApp messages using Gupshup, you will be able to view Gupshup WhatsApp records in the WhatsApp module List View.
Note: Only admin users can configure this integration.
Step 1: Add Gupshup as a service provider
Follow the below steps to add Gupshup as a service provider in the CRM:
- Log in to your CRM account.
- Click the User Menu.
- Click Essentials.
- Look for Conversations.
- Click WhatsApp.
- Click Settings.
- Click +Add. The Add Configuration screen opens.
- Enter or select the following information -
- Provider: Choose the Provider as Gupshup.
- Active: Select Active input as Yes.
- Once you choose the Provider as Gupshup, the Status Callback and Incoming Callback URLs fields are displayed.
- Copy the Status Callback and Incoming Callback URLs (to a Notepad or a document)
Step 2: Retrieving the API key from the Gupshup page
Note: Keep your Gupshup login credentials before you begin.
Follow these steps to retrieve the API Key:
- Navigate to https://www.gupshup.io/. The homepage opens.
- Click Log in.
- Log in with your User ID and Password. The Dashboard screen opens.
- Click the Account icon on the top right to display the API Key.
- Copy the API Key.
- Click Create App. The WhatsApp Assistant Setup screen opens.
- Click Access API. The STEP 1 screen opens.
- Enter app name - Provide a name to your Gupshup WhatsApp Messaging App configuration in the Enter app name section.
- Copy the App Name to a notepad. You will have to enter this information as the Sandbox App Name during configuration in Vtiger CRM.
- Click Submit.
Step 3: Adding your WhatsApp number on Gupshup
- Scroll down to STEP 2. Look for the Smart mechanism to get active and opted in users section.
- Scan the QR Code via WhatsApp on your mobile phone.
- This immediately initiates a WhatsApp chat with Gupshup on your mobile phone. With this, you become an opted-in as well as an active user with Gupshup.
- Note: You can also initiate WhatsApp chat and become opted-in as well as active users with GupShup with any of the three mechanisms shown above.
- Click on the web widget in the bottom right corner of the screen to display the URL.
- Copy the displayed code to a notepad. You will have to embed the given code in your website and click on the widget to initiate a WhatsApp chat with Gupshup.
- Click URL - Clicking the Click URL icon allows you to initiate WhatsApp chat with Gupshup via Whatsapp Web.
Step 4: Opting in and activating your Gupshup WhatsApp number
- Navigate to SMS to opt-in users screen on Gupshup.
- You must send an SMS saying ‘OPTIN App name’ (for example, if the app name is testinstance, then the SMS message should read ‘OPTIN testinstance’) to any of the numbers (displayed on the screen) based on your location.
- With this, you have successfully become an opted-in user and an active user with Gupshup.
- Click Next.
- You will be directed to the STEP 3 section in the WhatsApp Assistance Setup screen.
- Enable Template Messaging by moving the toggle.
- Scroll down to the Receive inbound messages from customers.
- Enable the Click Callback URL / Link your bot by moving the toggle to ON (colored green).
- Enter the copied Status Callback URL in the Enter your Callback URL field.
- Choose all the required message statuses. You can choose all the Message statuses.
- Click Set. The system displays a success message.
- Look for the Sender window. In the Sender window, note that the Gupshup Sender Number appears by default.
- Sender Number: Copy the Sender Number. This serves as the From Number for configuration with Vtiger CRM.
- Recipient field: Add the Whatsapp Number and its Country Code.
- Note: You will have to enter only the Whatsapp Number and its Country Code which was activated and opted in by you, in the ‘SMS to opt-in user’ section. If you add any other WhatsApp number other than the active and opted-in one, you will receive the following error message - Number is inactive and not opted in.
- Message field: Choose the appropriate GupShup Templates.
- Note: You can also enter the customized content in place of the variables if you wish to personalize the message. You can attach images and video files as well. You will not be able to type in individual message content other than the GupShup Templates.
- Click Send.
You will now have to navigate back to Vtiger CRM.
Step 6: Adding API Key, From Number, and Sandbox App Name in Vtiger CRM
Follow these steps to add the API Key, From Number, and Sandbox App Name (that you copied from the Gupshup screen):
- Login to your CRM account.
- Click the User Menu.
- Click Essentials.
- Click Conversations > WhatsApp.
- Click Settings.
- Click +Add. The Add Configuration window opens.
- Enter or select the following information:
- Provider: Displays Gupshup
- Active: Displays Yes
- API Key: Paste the copied API Key.
- From Number: Paste the copied Sender Number. Make sure no prefix is added in the number such as + and must always start with a numarical.
- Sandbox App Name: Paste the copied App Name.
- Click Save.
Once you send WhatsApp messages using Gupshup, you will be able to view Gupshup WhatsApp records in the WhatsApp module List View.
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