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How do I configure WhatsApp and Ampala in Vtiger CRM?

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Configuring WhatsApp and Ampala involves the following steps:

  • Step 1: Integrating WhatsApp with Ampala in Vtiger CRM
  • Step 2: Retrieving API Key  and License number from Ampala
Step 1: Integrating WhatsApp with Ampala in Vtiger CRM
  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the User Menu.
  3. Click Essentials.
  4. Look for Conversations.
  5. Click WhatsApp.
  6. Click the Settings icon.
  7. Select Provide Configuration.
  8. Click +Add. The Add Configuration screen opens.
  9. Enter or select the following information:
    1. Provider: Choose the Provider as Ampala.
    2. Provider Name: Type the Provider Name.
    3. Active: Select Active input as Yes.
    4. Status Callback: Copy the Status Callback URLs (to a Notepad or a document).
    5. Incoming Callback: Copy the Incoming Callback URLs (to a Notepad or a document).
Navigate to the Ampala website for the next step by opening the webpage in a different browser tab or window. 

Step 2: Retrieving API Key, License Number from Ampala

On the Ampala screen, you can retrieve the API Key and License Number.

Note: Keep your Ampala login credentials with you before you begin.

Follow these steps to retrieve the API Key and License number:

  1. Log in to your Ampala account. (https://login.ampala.in)
  2. Enter your Username and Password. The Dashboard opens.
  3. Click More.
  4. Click WhatsApp. An API setup page opens.
  5. Copy the Account license number and paste it into a Notepad.
  6. Go to WhatsApp  Settings on the right side of the screen.
  7. Go to API. The API Documentation window opens.
  8. Copy the API key and paste it to a notepad.
  9. Go to the Configure Webhook section.
  10. Paste the Status Callback URL from Step 1.
  11. Click Save.

Navigate back to Vtiger CRM for the next step.

Follow the below steps after the 8th step in Step 1.

  1. Go to the API key field.
  2. Paste the API key retrieved from Ampala.
  3. Go to License Number.
  4. Paste the License number retrieved from Ampala
  5. Click Save.

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