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How do I create a Prompt in Prompt Builder?

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Follow these steps to create a Prompt:

  1. Log in to the CRM.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Go to the HelpDesk App.
  4. Go to the Customer Service Analytics section.
  5. Click Bot Management. The Bot Management module opens.
  6. Click on the Bot Setup tab.
  7. Click +Add Prompt.
  8. Enter or select the following information: 
    1. Enter Prompt Name.
    2. Select the Module. You can only insert the Data Templates of the selected module in the Prompt Data & Guidance box.
    3. Select the Model (The query will be sent to this model. Private models should be selected if you are including data in your prompt).
    4. Add the content in the Prompt Data & Guidance box.
      1. Insert Data templates that you wish to send to the model  (ex: Contact's Related Deals).
      2. Insert the guidance text. Describe to the AI model what you expect in response. Be as specific as possible (For example: if you are asking for an email draft, describe the tone you expect like formal, friendly, etc; or if you are expecting a chart in response, specify the type of chart).
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