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What is Deal Score?

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Deal Score tells you the probability of achieving the deal and is a measure between 0 to 100. This data is procured by the Calculus AI and is based on historical deals and the activities on the particular deal. Deal Score is based on the following:
  1. Engagement Score
  2. Sentiment score
  3. Conversation Timeline in Conversation Insights
The above factors are again based on touchpoints linked to the deal and the deal contact.
You can view all the Touchpoints by clicking Filters on the deal record.
Clicking the arrow displays the previous three Deal Scores as shown below allowing you to comparatively enhance the scores if required.

Note: Deal Score gets updated once every 24 hours.

Clicking the information symbol highlights the positive and negative aspects of the particular deal to understand the pros and cons of the deal and accordingly work towards enhancing the scores if required.

Deal Score tells you the probability of achieving the deal and is a measure between 0 to 100. This data is procured by the Calculus AI and is based on historical deals and the activities on the particular deal. Deal Score is based on the following:
  1. Engagement Score
  2. Sentiment score
  3. Conversation Timeline in Conversation Insights
The above factors are again based on touchpoints linked to the deal and the deal contact.
You can view all the Touchpoints by clicking Filters on the deal record.
Clicking the arrow displays the previous three Deal Scores as shown below allowing you to comparatively enhance the scores if required.
Note: Deal Score gets updated once every 24 hours.

Clicking the information symbol highlights the positive and negative aspects of the particular deal to understand the pros and cons of the deal and accordingly work towards enhancing the scores if required.
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