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How does Calculus AI help in Call Analysis for Coaching?

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Phone Calls
  • From voice recordings and transcripts, phone calls generate the following data:
    • Rate of Speech -is automatically calculated to determine if the sales rep is speaking too fast or too slow. Once the phone calls are analyzed, conversations that require manager reviews are automatically flagged. 
    • Mood - Mood is also analyzed, with Calculus detecting the sales rep's tone to determine whether they speak passionately or read from a script.
    • Talk-to-Listen Ratio - This reveals the percentage of time your sales reps spoke during a client call. Ideally, agents should speak for only 50-60% of the conversation between them and the customers. 
    • Meeting actions - Meeting actions are also identified, including any action items or next steps discussed during the call, and sales and support reps are notified accordingly. 
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