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Explain /create a command with an example.

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The Create command extracts information from natural language text to create records.
  1. ‘/create an important meeting with John Smith tomorrow at 11 AM for one hour’ will create an event with name and time.
This will create an Event with the following auto-filled values:
  1. Activity Type - Meeting
  2. Contact Name - John Smith
  3. Start Time - 11 AM
  4. End Time - 12 PM
  5. Priority - Important
  1. ‘/create a $100k Opportunity related to John Smith for opening a new coffee shop, and close the deal by 15th Aug this year.’
 This will create an Event with the following auto-filled values:
  1. Activity Type - Opportunity
  2. Contact Name - John Smith
  3. Event - Coffee shop
  4. Close Deal - 15th Aug
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