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How do I review FAQ Queries in Bot Management?

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Follow these steps to review the FAQ queries:

  1. Log in to the CRM.
  2. Go to the Help Desk app.
  3. Go to Customer Service Analytics.
  4. Select Bot Management. The Bot Management module opens.
  5. Click the Bot Queries tab.
  6. Go to the Bot queries section.
  7. Click the Filter icon beside the search bar.
  8. Select the source from the drop-down. A List of queries will be displayed.
  9. Click Apply.
  10. Click on an FAQ. The Query details will be displayed on the right side.
  11. Review the Question and Answer.
  12. Enter or select one of the following options:
    1. Click Accept Answer if you are satisfied with the Bot response.
    2. Click Invalid question if you feel the question is irrelevant.
    3. Click Update source FAQ to modify the Question and Answer. An FAQ record window opens. Update the Question.
      1. Update the answer.
      2. Click Save and Test. You will see the Training the Model data message. Once done, Retraining has completed message is displayed along with the updated answer.
      3. Click Accept answer to accept or
      4. Click Update Source FAQ.
  13. Click +Add FAQ if you want to add a new FAQ. An Add FAQ window opens.

    1. Question: Add the Question.
    2. Answer: Add the Answer.
    3. Question Variants: Add Question Variants.
    4. FAQ Label:  Add FAQ label.
    5. Status: Select the status from the drop-down.
    6. Category: Add the Category.
    7. Feature: Add the feature.
    8. Version: Select the Version.
    9. FAQ Visibility: Select the FAQ visibility from the drop-down.
    10. Click Save.
  14. Click Train and Test. The Updating training model with a revised FAQ message will be displayed. Then, Retraining has completed message is displayed. You will now see the new changes reflected in the response. 

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