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iRujul Integration with Vtiger CRM

In this article you will learn how to integrate iRujul with Vtiger CRM and sync your business contacts, invoices, products, sales orders, and, taxes from iRujul to Vtiger CRM.
Shreya Kulkarni
21 Jun, 2023 - Updated 1 year ago
Table of Contents


iRujul is an e-solutions interface to manage huge volumes of data and integrate multiple channels. It is a customizable platform offering management solutions to various sectors such as Procurement Management, Business Intelligence, Inventory & Warehouse, Sales & Distribution, Finance & Accounting, etc. It specially facilitates the retail Industry providing full functionality for retailers to manage Retail Point of Sale, Merchandise, Prices & Promotions, etc.

iRujul, helps you in:

  • Customer Data Management
  • Loyalty management
  • Centralized Master and Merchandise Data Management
  • Centralized Finance and Accounting
  • Robust Cross Chain Reporting
  • Centralized Price List and Discount Management

iRujul for Vtiger CRM

In Vtiger CRM, the iRujul Integration is available for the following modules:

  1. Contacts
  2. Invoices
  3. Products
  4. Sales Orders
  5. Taxes (Inventory > Tax Management)

Vtiger CRM facilitates a one-way data sync (Sync from iRujul to Vtiger) with iRujul. Integrating iRujul with Vtiger CRM syncs the available contact, invoice, product, sales order, and, tax records from their respective modules with iRujul. You can sync data when each of these records are created, updated, deleted, and skipped. 

To integrate iRujul with Vtiger CRM you must:

  • Have an active business account with iRujul.
  • Enable the iRujul add-on in Vtiger CRM.

Benefits of iRujul Integration

  • Access your iRujul business contacts, invoices, products, sales orders, and, taxes in CRM.
  • Prevent duplication and errors with a single source of data.
  • Save time by managing your contacts, invoices, products, sales orders, and, taxes from a single app.

Feature Availability

Click here for the availability of the iRujul Integration for different editions of Vtiger CRM.

Integrating iRujul with Vtiger involves the following:

  • Installing iRujul from the Extension Store
  • Configuring or setting up the integration
  • Configuring iRujul sync settings in Vtiger CRM
  • Enabling the sync between Vtiger and iRujul for data to flow

In this article, you will learn about all of the above. Shall we begin?

Key Terminology


iRujul is a customizable software platform that helps you efficiently sync and manage your business contacts, invoices, products, sales orders, and, taxes in Vtiger CRM.

Client ID

It is a secret authentication code that identifies its user, or program. These keys are unique identifiers that secure your applications from cyber abuse or malicious use.

Client Secret

It is a confidential key confined only to the application and the authorization server. It is a cryptographically-secure key.

iRujul Base URL

A specific identity address allotted to a website that is available in the address bar of the browser.

Two-way sync

Two-way synchronization is the process of transferring data between two business interfaces. Newly created, updated, etc., records in one site or app will be instantly transferred or added to the other and vice versa.

One-way sync

One-way synchronization is the process of transferring data from one business interface to the other. Newly created, updated, etc., records from one site or app will be instantly transferred or added to the other.

Background Sync Frequency

It is a software scheduler running in the background that performs an automatic data sync between Vtiger CRM and iRujul at a defined interval. Users can choose a frequency for the automatic sync to happen.

Conflict Resolution

These settings help you set conditions for updating field values when duplicate records are present during the sync process.  

Field Mapping

It matches source fields with target fields and syncs data from one website or application with the other.

Installing iRujul

iRujul is a third-party app that you must install from Vtiger’s Add-ons. You can install add-ons only if you are an Admin user in the CRM.

Follow these steps to install the iRujul add-on:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Click the Add-ons button.
  4. Browse iRujul.
  5. Click Install.
  6. Click Yes to confirm the installation.

Once you have installed it successfully, follow these steps to find the app:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Click Essentials.
  4. Look for Lead & Contact Management.
  5. Click Contacts. (Or Inventory > Invoices or Products or Sales Orders )
  6. Click the Sync button. The Sync window opens.

iRujul is now available under User level Connectors.  

Integrating iRujul with Vtiger CRM

In this section let us learn how to integrate iRujul with Vtiger CRM. 

To integrate iRujul with Vtiger, you need to copy the following from your iRujul account and paste in Vtiger CRM settings:

  • Base URL - Paste the copied iRujul base URL.
  • Client ID 
  • Secret Key  

You can integrate and use iRujul with Vtiger CRM in these two phases: 

  • Step 1: Retrieving the iRujul Base URL
  • Step 2: iRujul integration with Vtiger CRM

Step 1: Retrieving the iRujul Base URL

Follow these steps to retrieve the iRujul base URL:

  1. Log in to your iRujul account. The home page opens.
  2. Go to the address bar in your browser.
  3. Copy the iRujul base URL to a Notepad or a document. (Excluding https://)

Step 2: iRujul integration with Vtiger CRM

Follow these steps to integrate iRujul with Vtiger CRM:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Click Essentials.
  4. Look for Lead & Contact Management.
  5. Click Contacts. (Or Inventory > Invoices or Products or Sales Orders )
  6. Click the Sync button in the List View. The Sync window opens.
  7. Under User level Connectors, look for iRujul.

Note: (If iRujul is unavailable under User level Connectors, click View available connectors in the Sync window.)

  1. You will find the Sync Log and Settings buttons for iRujul.
  1. Click the Settings button. The iRujul Sync Settings screen opens.
  1. Under Sync Settings, enter:
    1. Base URL - Paste the copied iRujul base URL.
    2. Client ID 
    3. Secret Key 

Note: To fetch the Client ID and Secret Key you must reach out to iRujul Customer Support

  1. Click Save. If sync settings are saved successfully, the Success notification is displayed.

You have now successfully integrated iRujul with Vtiger CRM.

Next Step - Setting up Sync settings for iRujul in CRM.

Understanding iRujul Sync Settings in CRM

After you have successfully integrated iRujul with Vtiger CRM, you must configure its sync settings to connect iRujul with Vtiger.
Note: Only Admin users can access iRujul Sync Settings in Vtiger CRM.

Follow these steps to configure iRujul Sync Settings:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Click Essentials.
  4. Look for Lead & Contact Management.
  5. Click Contacts. (Or Inventory > Invoices or Products or Sales Orders )
  6. Click the Sync button. The Sync window opens.
  7. Under User level Connectors, look for iRujul.
  8. Click the Settings button beside iRujul. The iRujul Sync Settings screen opens.

Note: You can also go to iRujul Sync Settings by clicking Sync Log > Sync Settings

  1. Under Pre Sync Settings, select:
    1. Sync Records From - The period you want to sync records from.

Note: Once you select a period and save it, you will not be able to edit it again.

  1. Under System Settings, select the following:
    1. Debug Mode - Click the checkbox to enable storing synced data in Debug Log.
    2. Background Sync Frequency - Select the duration for Background Sync Frequency.
    3. Conflict Resolution - Select a conflict resolution setting for updating synced records:
      1. Last updated record wins - Sync will update duplicate record field values to the records available in Vtiger or synced from iRujul depending on which of these were updated last.
      2. Vtiger record wins - Sync will update duplicate field values from Vtiger records to iRujul records. And the Vtiger records will be retained as they are.
      3. Service record wins - Sync will update duplicate field values from iRujul records to Vtiger records.

  1. Under Contacts Sync Settings,
    1. Sync Direction Choose the sync direction to sync contacts between iRujul and Vtiger.

Note: To sync iRujul contacts with Vtiger you must select Sync from iRujul to Vtiger (As Vtiger provides only a one-way sync with iRujul.)

i. Sync from iRujul to Vtiger - Syncs contacts created, updated, deleted, and skipped from Vtiger to iRujul.

  1. Enable Contacts Sync - Enable the toggle to sync contacts from iRujul to Vtiger CRM for the Contacts module else disable it.
  1. Tax Sync Settings - This is enabled by default with the sync direction Sync from iRujul to Vtiger. This is a non-editable setting.

You have now successfully configured iRujul Sync Settings for the Contacts module in Vtiger CRM.

Note: The above iRujul Sync Settings procedure remains the same for the Invoices, Products, Sales Orders, and Taxes modules.

Next Step - Syncing data between iRujul and Vtiger CRM.

Syncing iRujul Data

After you have successfully configured iRujul Sync Settings in Vtiger CRM, you can start syncing contacts, invoices, products, sales orders, and taxes between iRujul and Vtiger CRM.

Follow these steps to sync data between iRujul and Vtiger CRM: 

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Click Essentials.
  4. Look for Lead & Contact Management.
  5. Click Contacts. (Or Inventory > Invoices or Products or Sales Orders)
  6. Click the Sync button in the List View. The Sync window opens.
  7. Under User level Connectors, look for iRujul.
  1. Click the Sync Log button beside iRujul. The iRujul Sync Log widnow opens.
  1. Click the Sync Now button to sync contacts.
  2. The iRujul Sync Log will display the sync results (in numbers) - the modules that were successfully synced for the available records.
  3. The iRujul Sync Log displays the sync date, time, and modules that were synced from iRujul to Vtiger CRM. It also displays the following statuses for the synced records: 
    1. Created - Records that are created and saved in iRujul or Vtiger CRM.
    2. Updated - Records that are updated and saved in iRujul or Vtiger CRM.
    3. Deleted - Records that are deleted in iRujul or Vtiger CRM.
    4. Skipped - Records that are skipped because they have errors or because mandatory fields in iRujul or Vtiger CRM are empty.
  1. Clicking the numbers will open the Records Created in Vtiger window that displays the record details such as Source Module and Record Name.
    1. For example, clicking the sync result (78) for a module (Contacts) under the record status (Created) will open the Records Created in Vtiger window that displays the Source Module and Record Name for the contact records.
  2. Clicking the Record name will direct you to the respective record. 
    1. Clicking the Download As CSV tab will download the source modules and record names to a CSV file.

Note: The above, syncing iRujul data procedure remains the same for the Invoices, Products, Sales Orders, and Taxes modules.



Every time you create, update, delete or skip a contact, invoice, product, sales order, and tax record in iRujul, you will have to follow the above sync procedure to sync data from iRujul to Vtiger CRM.

iRujul Sync Pattern

Let us now understand the pattern in which contact, invoice, product, sales order, and tax records are synced from iRujul to Vtiger CRM. Based on the one-way sync direction (Sync from iRujul to Vtiger), these records are added or transferred from iRujul to Vtiger with every sync, in the iRujul Sync Log screen as follows.

Note: For instance, we have considered the Contacts module as an example, the sync pattern remains the same for all related modules. 
Contacts, invoices, products, sales orders, and taxes created, updated, deleted, and skipped in the iRujul portal will reflect as sync results in the Vtiger CRM table. 


For instance, consider the above screenshot, 96 records created in iRujul will reflect as 96 under Created in the Vtiger CRM table.

iRjul Sync Log Screen


The iRujul Sync Log screen displays the following information:

  1. Vtiger CRM table - Displays contact, invoice, product, sales order, and tax records with the statuses - created, updated, deleted, and skipped synced from iRujul to Vtiger CRM. It also displays the following for the synced records:
    1. Date - The day records are synced.
    2. Time - The time records are synced.
    3. Module - The synced records’ module.
  2. Debug Log - Clicking the Debug Log button displays the data sync information in the form of logs.
  3. Syn Now - Clicking the Sync Now button syncs data from iRujul to Vtiger CRM.
  4. Sync Settings - Clicking the Sync Settings button will take you to the iRujul sync settings screen.

Let us now understand the Field Mapping between iRujul and Vtiger CRM.

Field Mapping

In this section let us understand the field mapping between iRujul and Vtiger CRM.

For data to sync properly between Vtiger CRM and iRujul, the fields in the CRM need to be mapped with the fields in iRujul.


Vtiger CRM provides easy, efficient, and quick default field mapping with iRujul. It also lets you customize it if needed.

What is Field Mapping?

Syncing fields in Vtiger CRM with their respective iRujul fields. Field mapping enables this sync process to occur smoothly. Improper or incomplete mapping is the reason why the sync process 'skips' a few records and these records won’t be updated. For example, a mandatory field in iRujul might have data, and the mapped non-mandatory field in Vtiger might be empty. In this case, the sync process will not be successful.

Follow these steps to view the field mapping between iRujul and Vtiger CRM:

  1. Log in to your CRM account.
  2. Click the Main Menu.
  3. Click Essentials
  4. Click Contacts. (Or Inventory > Invoices or Products or Sales Orders)
  5. Click the Sync button in the List View. The iRujul Sync window opens.
  6. Look for User level Connectors > iRujul.
  7. Click the Settings button beside iRujul. The iRujul Sync Settings screen opens.

Note: You can also go to the iRujul Sync Settings by clicking Sync Log > Sync Settings.


  1. Click Constant Sync Settings > Field Mapping. The default field mapping for iRujul available for the Contacts module is displayed.

Note: The above procedure remains the same to view the default field mapping for iRujul available for the Invoices, Products, Sales Orders, and Taxes modules.

You can customize the field mapping for iRujul for the Contacts, Invoices, Products, Sales Orders, and Taxes modules by clicking the +Add Custom Mapping tab. To learn how to add custom mapping click here. 
Note: Only Admin users can customize the field mapping for iRujul.

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