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Automation - Assignment Rules

This article will help you understand assigning records automatically through different modes.
Rashmi Kashyap
20 May, 2024 - Updated 5 months ago
Table of Contents


Are you tired of manually assigning work to your team members? 

Would you like an auto-assignment option in the CRM to take up these tasks?

Ta-da!! Use Vtiger’s Assignment Rules feature!


Assignment rules are used to automatically assign records one after the other to your sales, support, and marketing groups using different assignment modes.

Assignment rules are triggered only when the record is assigned to a group and not to a particular user. 

Keep in mind that you should have defined an assignment rule for that particular module and group.

Feature Availability 
This feature is available in One Growth, One Professional, and One Enterprise editions of Vtiger CRM.


Note: Assignment Rules are supported only in Leads, Contacts, Deals, Tasks, Cases, and Internal Tickets modules.

Assignment Modes

Vtiger CRM offers two different types of assignment modes using which records are assigned to group members. They are - Round Robin and Least Loaded.

You might have guessed how the modes work by reading their names.
You can assign users based on their business hours. Enable the Assign Based on User Business Hours toggle.

Let us understand the working of these modes in detail.

  1. Round Robin 

In the Round Robin mode, records are assigned one by one to group members. The first saved record is assigned to the first selected member, the second saved record to the second member, and so on. After a round of assignments to all the members is completed, the assignment process starts with the first member again. 

It is basically a queue of members waiting for a record to be assigned to them.

  1. Least Loaded 

In the Least Loaded mode, records are assigned to the member who has less open records in his bucket. This mode verifies that the records are equally assigned to all the members, and nobody is burdened.

For example, if Ari Gale has five open records and Arjun Varma has nine open records, then the newly saved record will be assigned to Ari Gale.

Configuring Assignment Rules

Glad to know that you are hooked to this article :)

In this section, we will learn about configuring an assignment rule in Vtiger CRM. Note that only an Administrator can configure assignment rules.

Follow these steps to configure Assignment Rules in Vtiger CRM:

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Click the User Menu on the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Click the Settings button.
  4. Go to the Automation section.
  5. Click Assignment Rules.
  6. Click the Select Module drop-down to select the module on which you want to apply the assignment rule.
  1. Select a group from the list of all Available Groups.
  1. Select an Assignment Mode in Assigned Groups - Round Robin or Least Loaded.
  1. Select the Members (Users) of the group to whom the records must be assigned.


  • The checkbox is disabled for members who do not have view access.
  • If a group member is a Light Agent user, then you can include them as a member in the assignment rule for Leads and Contacts only. 
  • If a group member is a Single App user, then you can add them to the assignment rule for the modules belonging to the apps the user has access to.

To know more about Users, click here.


For these assignment rules to work, certain conditions must be satisfied.

Primarily, the module in which you create a record must have an assignment rule configured. 

Next, you need to set up conditions for particular modules — the CRM checks for these conditions during the automated assignment process.

Have a look at them:

  • A lead record is assigned to a group.
  • A contact record is assigned to a group.
  • An opportunity record is assigned to a group AND 'Sales Stage' is not Closed Won or Closed Lost.
  • A task record is assigned to a group.
  • A case is assigned to a group AND 'Assigned To' is empty AND 'Status' is not Closed.
  • An internal ticket record is assigned to a group AND 'Assigned To' is empty AND 'Status' is not Closed.

Configuring round robin assignment between groups

Did you know that you can establish a round robin assignment between groups? Yes, it is not limited to users only.

So, how does it work?

First, you must create a master group that is made of multiple groups. The master group’s members are considered in a loop for the round robin assignment. 

To know more about Groups, click here.

Let us consider this example and understand how to configure round robin assignment between two groups, to keep it simple. You can follow the same process for multiple groups as well.
Follow these steps to configure round robin assignment between two groups:

  1. Create a group, say Group 1, with A, B, and C as members. 
  2. Create another group, say, Group 2 with D, E, and F as members. 
  3. Finally, create a group called the Master Group with Group 1 and Group 2 as members.
  4. Go to Assignment Rules and add the Master Group. You will notice that the members of both Group 1 and Group 2 are visible in the Members list.
  5. Select Round Robin assignment mode.

Whenever records are assigned to the Master Group, they are assigned to the members of both Group 1 and Group 2 in the Round Robin fashion.

When a group member (user) is modified or deleted, they are removed from the round robin assignment.

The above process holds good even when you add a Role as a group member.

For example, if Group 2 and Role 1 are Group 1’s members, then the members of Group 2 (P, Q, R) and Role 1 (X, Y, Z) become members of Group 1 (P, Q, R, X, Y, Z).



  1. To enable or disable members in a group, you can click the checkbox beside the member's name.
  2. To remove a group from the assignment rule, click the X icon beside the group name.


  • You can use assignment rules only in the Leads, Contacts, Deals, Tasks, Cases, and Internal Ticket modules.
  • Records must be assigned to groups to trigger the auto-assignment function.
  • The module under which the records are created must have an assignment rule.
  • Records created through Joomla RSForms won’t trigger the Auto-Assignment function as records created are assigned to the user, whose credentials are used to set up the form.
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