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My Preferences - Calendar Settings

Learn to customize your calendar to suit your preferences with Vtiger's Calendar Settings.
4 Jan, 2024 - Updated 6 months ago
Table of Contents


Are your team members working across time zones? 

Do you wish to make CRM usability better for them?

Then you are just a few clicks away! You can configure yours as well your team member’s calendar just the way it should be. 

Date format, time format, and more within no time! 


Vtiger’s calendar settings help you customize your calendar to suit your preferences. Read along to learn about the possibilities. 


Accessing Calendar Settings


Follow these steps to go to Calendar Settings:

  1. Click the User Menu on the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Click the Settings button.
  3. Look for the My Preferences section.
  4. Select Calendar Settings.
  5. Click the Edit icon on the top right to set up your preferences.


Different Settings Available

The table below summarizes the different settings available for you to customize your calendar.


Field Name


Starting Day of the Week

The first day of your week (Monday - Sunday).

Day Starts at

The start time of your working hours (12:00 AM - 11:00 PM or 00:00 - 23:00).

Date Format

The date format that you prefer.

  • dd-mm-yyyy
  • mm-dd-yyyy
  • yyyy-mm-dd

Calendar Hour Format

The calendar format that you prefer.

  • 12 hour
  • 24 hour

Time Zone

The time zone of your work location.

Default Calendar Mode

The default mode that must show in the Calendar View.

  • Today
  • This Week
  • This Month
  • Agenda
  • 3 Day
  • 1 Day

Default Call Duration (Mins)

The default duration to be set for events of type Call. The End Date & Time field is set depending on what you choose here.

  • 5
  • 10
  • 30
  • 60
  • 120

Other Event Duration (Mins)

The default duration to be set for events of other types such as Meeting, Mobile Call, etc. The End Date & Time field is set depending on what you choose here.

  • 5
  • 10
  • 30
  • 60
  • 120

Default Event Status

The default value to be set in an event’s Status field.

  • Planned
  • Held
  • Not Held
  • Canceled
  • Rescheduled
  • Skipped

Default Activity Type

The default value to be set in an event’s Activity Type field.

  • Call
  • Meeting
  • Mobile Call
  • Onsite Meeting
  • Onsite Service
  • Group Event

Hide Completed Calendar Events

Events marked as Held are not shown in the Calendar View if this field is enabled.

Default Calendar View

The default view of your calendar (in the Events module).

  • List View
  • My Calendar

Default Task Duration

The default duration to be set for tasks. You can pick any time in mins, hours, or days.



Note: When the destination fields are updated with the source field values via workflows or approvals, then the CRM account owner’s preferences are applied. The preferences are set up under My Preferences and Calendar Settings.


Consider this example: If a deal’s Description field (destination) is updated with the deal’s Expected Close Date (source) via a workflow, then the date format in the Description field takes the CRM account owner’s format.

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